Results for 'Krishnasamy T. Selvan'

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  1.  43
    An approach for harmonizing engineering and science education with humaneness.Krishnasamy T. Selvan - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (3):573-577.
    The world is facing an apparently increasing dose of violence. Obviously, there cannot be a simple solution to this complex problem. But at the same time it may be appreciated that, in the interests of humanity, a solution must be pursued in every possible way by everyone. This article is concerned with what one could possibly do at the academic level. Since lack of openness of thought appears to be a fundamental contributor to this unfortunate problem, attempting to cultivate this (...)
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    Comments on 'on ''bettering humanity'' in science and engineering education'.Krishnasamy T. Selvan - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):295-295.
    The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1007/s11948-007-9036-3.
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    Comments on 'on “bettering humanity” in science and engineering education'.Selvan T. Krishnasamy - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):291-293.
    The object of this communication is to reflect on the recent article by James Stieb in relation to an earlier article by Selvan.
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  4. On “bettering humanity” in science and engineering education.James A. Stieb - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (2):265-273.
    Authors such as Krishnasamy Selvan argue that “all human endeavors including engineering and science” have a single primary objective: “bettering humanity.” They favor discussing “the history of science and measurement uncertainty.” This paper respectfully disagrees and argues that “human endeavors including engineering and science” should not pursue “bettering humanity” as their primary objective. Instead these efforts should first pursue individual betterment. One cannot better humanity without knowing what that means. However, there is no one unified theory of what (...)
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    Robust stability results for nonlinear Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time-varying delays and randomly occurring uncertainties.Ramasamy Krishnasamy & Pagavathigounder Balasubramaniam - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):50-60.
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    Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Information Security in Ideological and Political Education in the Digital Age.Mo Lingqi, Hariharan N. Krishnasamy, Lu Qiaoqiao & Wu Zhuoyang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1-13.
    In the context of the digital wave sweeping modern education, securing the information safety of ideological and political education in universities is of paramount importance. Based on the comprehensive risk mechanism, this paper deconstructs the connotation of information security of ideological and political education in higher education in the digital age, divides it into two categories: ideological risk and technical risk, and constructs the influence model of information security level of ideological and political education. Data were collected via questionnaires and (...)
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    Research with persons with intellectual disabilities: An inclusive adaptation of Tourangeau's model.Li Jen-Yi, Malathy Krishnasamy & Chen Der-Thanq - 2015 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 9 (4):304-316.
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    Averting Eavesdrop Intrusion in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks.Arul Selvan M. - 2016 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Engineering (Ijircse) 2 (1):8-13.
    —Industrial networks are increasingly based on open protocols and platforms that are also employed in the IT industry and Internet background. Most of the industries use wireless networks for communicating information and data, due to high cable cost. Since, the wireless networks are insecure, it is essential to secure the critical information and data during transmission. The data that transmitted is intercepted by eavesdropper can be predicted by secrecy capacity. The secrecy capacity is the difference between channel capacity of main (...)
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    La différance comme déconstruction de la violence.Charles M. Selvan - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Petar Bojanić.
    La différance comme déconstruction de la violence examine "la différance", une singularité de Jacques Derrida. L'auteur est profondément fidèle à l'esprit derridien en réaffirmant que la différance n'est ni un mot ni un concept mais un jeu littéraire qui porte des traces philosophiques et qui exige également des lecteurs de respecter le pouvoir du silence textuel. Même si la différance interroge la violence sous diverses formes, elle attirera principalement notre attention sur la violence "inaudible" de toutes nos structures. Le présent (...)
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  10. On the hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history.T. Huxley - 1874 - Fortnightly Review 95:555-80.
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    Reason and Explanation: A Defense of Explanatory Coherentism.T. Poston - 2014 - Palgrave Macmillan UK.
    In this new explanationist account of epistemic justification, Poston argues that the explanatory virtues provide all the materials necessary for a plausible account of justified belief. There are no purely autonomous reasons. Rather reasons occur only within an explanatory coherent set of beliefs.
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  12. Rethinking the Conceptual Space for Science in Society after the VFI.T. Y. Branch & Heather Douglas - 2023 - Philosophy of Science.
    Replacing the value-free ideal (VFI) for science requires attention to the broader understanding of how science in society should function. In public spaces, science needed to project the VFI in norms for science advising, science education, and science communication. This resulted in the independent science advisor model and a focus on science literacy for science education and communication. Attending to these broader implications of the VFI which structure science and society relationships is crucial if we are to properly replace the (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Culture and Administration.T. W. Adorno - 1978 - Télos 1978 (37):93-111.
  14.  18
    A Cut-free Gentzen Formulation Of The Modal Logic S5.T. Braüner - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (5):629-643.
    The goal of this paper is to introduce a new Gentzen formulation of the modal logic S5. The history of this problem goes back to the fifties where a counter-example to cut-elimination was given for an otherwise natural and straightforward formulation of S5. Since then, several cut-free Gentzen style formulations of S5 have been given. However, all these systems are technically involved, and furthermore, they differ considerably from Gentzen's original formulation of classical logic. In this paper we give a new (...)
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  15. (2 other versions)Wrongness and Reasons: A Re-examination.T. M. Scanlon - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 2:5-20.
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    Aristotle.T. J. Crowley - 2013 - Acumen Publishing.
    This careful and engaging introduction to Aristotle equips readers of ancient philosophy and classics with an intellectual map that will guide their further exploration within the terrains of Aristotelian philosophy and logic. The book does not seek to provide a verdict or to persuade the reader of the usefulness of Aristotle's ideas. Instead it offers a comprehensive introduction to key philosophical areas while situating the reader within the ongoing intellectual debates on Aristotle's significance and relevance. Crowley's book allows an overview (...)
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  17.  39
    The Undecidability of Quantified Announcements.T. Ågotnes, H. van Ditmarsch & T. French - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (4):597-640.
    This paper demonstrates the undecidability of a number of logics with quantification over public announcements: arbitrary public announcement logic, group announcement logic, and coalition announcement logic. In APAL we consider the informative consequences of any announcement, in GAL we consider the informative consequences of a group of agents all of which are simultaneously making known announcements. So this is more restrictive than APAL. Finally, CAL is as GAL except that we now quantify over anything the agents not in that group (...)
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    12. The Difficulty of Tolerance.T. M. Scanlon - 1996 - In David Heyd, Toleration: An Elusive Virtue. Princeton University Press. pp. 226-240.
  19.  35
    Evolutionary contingency as non-trivial objective probability: Biological evitability and evolutionary trajectories.T. Y. William Wong - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81 (C):101246.
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    Descartes on Open Knowledge and Human Perfection.T. O. Kolesnykova & A. M. Malivskyi - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 22:14-25.
    _Purpose._ The purpose is to justify the validity of interpreting Descartes’ teachings as an enquiry into the search for forms and means of improving human nature, which implies a focus on the way he understands the openness of knowledge and education. The problem is considered from the perspective of representatives of university communities (teachers and librarians), historically included in the communication structure and system of the institution, including through the creation, management, use, preservation and dissemination of knowledge. _Theoretical basis._ One (...)
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    On second-order characterizability.T. Hyttinen, K. Kangas & J. Vaananen - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (5):767-787.
  22.  16
    Automatic Facial Coding Versus Electromyography of mimicked, passive, and inhibited facial response to emotional faces.T. Tim A. Höfling, Georg W. Alpers, Antje B. M. Gerdes & Ulrich Föhl - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-16.
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  23. The Unreality of Time.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1992 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 92 (1):1-20.
  24. (1 other version)Über den Fetischcharakter in der Musik und die Regression des Hörens.T. W. Adorno - 1938 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 7:321.
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    Replies to Niko Kolodny, Debra Satz, and Steven Wall.T. M. Scanlon - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (12):3387-3398.
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  26.  43
    South Italian Vases and Attic Drama.T. B. L. Webster - 1948 - Classical Quarterly 42 (1-2):15-.
    In The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens Dr. Pickard-Cambridge includes a most useful and convenient collection of south Italian vase-paintings which have been held to throw light on the stage-settings of Greek tragedy. He concludes that they give no evidence for Athens in the fifth century and in particular do not justify the assumption that interior scenes were played in a porch in front of the central door. The second conclusion is true, but some of the vases do show that (...)
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    Thinkers, lies, and freedom of speech.T. M. Scanlon - 2017 - Legal Theory 23 (2):132-140.
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    1. The Illusory Appeal of Double Effect.T. M. Scanlon - 2008 - In Thomas Scanlon, Moral dimensions: permissibility, meaning, blame. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. pp. 8-36.
  29. (1 other version)Alienated Masterpiece: The Missa Solemnis.T. W. Adorno - 1976 - Télos 1976 (28):113-124.
  30. (1 other version)IT. M. Scanlon.T. M. Scanlon - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):301-317.
    [T. M. Scanlon] It is clearly impermissible to kill one person because his organs can be used to save five others who are in need of transplants. It has seemed to many that the explanation for this lies in the fact that in such cases we would be intending the death of the person whom we killed, or failed to save. What makes these actions impermissible, however, is not the agent's intention but rather the fact that the benefit envisaged does (...)
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  31. The early Russell on the metaphysics of substance in Leibniz and Bradley.T. Allan Hillman - 2008 - Synthese 163 (2):245-261.
    While considerable ink has been spilt over the rejection of idealism by Bertrand Russell and G.E. Moore at the end of the 19th Century, relatively little attention has been directed at Russell’s A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, a work written in the early stages of Russell’s philosophical struggles with the metaphysics of Bradley, Bosanquet, and others. Though a sustained investigation of that work would be one of considerable scope, here I reconstruct and develop a two-pronged argument from (...)
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  32.  21
    Sporting Education and Somaesthetics.T. J. Bonnet - 2022 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 6 (3):116-120.
    Preview: /Review: Satoshi Higuchi, Somaesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture: Projects in Japan (New York, NY; Oxford, England: Routledge, 2021), 138 pages./ Satoshi Higuchi’s Somaesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture is a succinct and innovative work in aesthetics and philosophy of education, despite what the title may otherwise imply. Indeed, the title may be the only shortcoming in this work, for it does not convey the scope of the concepts covered. It may be better titled Somaesthetics and the Philosophy of (...)
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  33. The Economics of Collective Choice, by Joe B. Stevens.T. P. Abeles - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11:57-57.
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  34. Principles of Oncology Nursing.T. Ades & P. Greene - forthcoming - Holleb Ai, Fink Dj, Murphy Gp, Organizadores. American Cancer Society of Clinical Oncology. Atlanta (Geo): American Cancer Society.
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  35. Filosofia dell'arte.T. W. Adorno, V. Jankélévitch, G. Marcel, R. Vlad, G. C. Argan & W. Fraenger - 1954 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 59 (2):227-227.
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    Menander's Гεωργóς.T. L. Agae - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (02):141-.
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    Three Passages in Hesiod's Works and Days.T. L. Agar - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (3-4):56-58.
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  38. Intention varhaishistoria.T. Aho - 1989 - Ajatus 46:87-99.
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  39.  32
    Can the absolute threshold be conditioned?T. S. Aiba - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (3):233.
  40.  13
    Kalemi sayesinde yaşamak: Profesör Mehmed Ali Aynî -hayatı ve eserleri-.Ali Kemalı̂ Aksüt - 2021 - İstanbul: Büyüyenay Yayınları. Edited by Ahmet Yasin Çomoğlu.
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    Mr. Agar's Homerica. Reply.T. W. Allen - 1910 - Classical Quarterly 4 (03):206-.
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    Types of Rubrics in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.T. George Allen - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (2):145-154.
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    The Text of the Iliad—II.T. W. Allen - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (06):290-291.
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  44. Layered Voices of Teaching : The Uncannily Correct and the Elusively True.T. Tetsuo Aoki - 2016 - In William F. Pinar & William M. Reynolds, Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text. Kingston, NY: Educators International Press.
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  45. Identität und Differenz. Eine Begegnung mit Martin Heidegger.T. Barth - 1959 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 22:81-92.
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    Zen Masters: A Maverick, a Master of Masters, and a Wandering Poet. John Stevens.T. H. Barrett - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (2):245-246.
    Zen Masters: A Maverick, a Master of Masters, and a Wandering Poet. John Stevens. Kodansha International, Tokyo 1999. 161 pp. £8.99. ISBN 4-7700-2385-5.
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    O definicji bazy fonematycznej.T. Batóg - 1971 - Studia Logica 27 (1):121-121.
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  48. Anumānacintāmaṇi: anumitiprakaraṇa, byāptipañcaka, siṃhabyāghralakshaṇa, byadhikaraṇa: anubāda o bibr̥ti saha.Biśvabandhu Bhaṭṭācāryya - 1993 - Kalakātā: Yādabapura Biśvabidyālaẏa sahāẏaka Ke. Pi. Bāgacī ayāṇḍa Kompānī. Edited by Gaṅgeśa.
    Commentary, with Bengali translation, of Anumānakhaṇḍa, a portion of Tattvacintamaṇi, basic work on the neo-Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy, by Gaṅgeśa, 13th century.
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  49. Manaḥśaktino dhodha.Cūnībhāī Bhaṭṭa - 1992 - Sūrata: Prāpti Kānajībhāī Desāī Samāja Śikshaṇa Bhavana.
    On the mysteries and control of mind, based on Hinduism.
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    Mashʻal-i rāh-i mustaqīm.Barkatullāh Bhaṭṭī - 2009 - Lāhaur: Iqbāl Akādamī Pākistān.
    On Islamic practices, doctrines and on Islamic ethics.
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